tech article: extension of parallel work items

Remark: this is a very technical article on MDG, workflow, Web Dynpro and BRF+
As it contains a lot of source code, we've chosen to make it available as a file download.


If parallel change request stages exist during an MDG process, the user can see the different work items by pressing the "Work Items" button.
The default pop-up only shows the ID and the description of the work Item but gives no further information.
For a customer of ours, we have extended this standard pop-up so that they know who the processor of the work Item is next to the status of the sub-workflow.


In particular, the status display is useful since the change request status cannot be changed during a parallel sub-workflow as several parallel steps can have a different status.
In the document, we read the current sub-workflow step from the work item container and we look at the BRF+ table for the corresponding status.


Please fill in the form below to get access to the PDF with all the steps and source code.

Avelon C Karen Van Der Biest 138
Written by

Niels De Greef

SAP Master Data Architect & Teamlead

Certified SAP Master Data Solution Architect and Teamlead with expertise in MDG, EIM, and a track record of delivering high-quality, scalable, efficient and future-proof solutions.